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Webinar: The EU-ETS price through 2030 and beyond: A closer look at drivers, models and assumptions III, Q&A session

Online via Zoom


While policy makers are currently mulling over the EU-ETS reform, it is a good time for analysts and scientist to take a step back and discuss the analytical tools used to project the outcome – specifically: the expected, predicted or necessary carbon price(s) towards 2030. To that end the Potsdam-Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) and Ecologic Institute organize a workshop in Brussel on the morning of 30 Nov.

In this back-to-back webinar we present the key findings from this workshop, and also clarify the importance of long-term ETS prices for achieving the EU’s climate targets. The second part of the webinar is reserved exclusively for questions by online participants.


  • Welcome by moderator (B. Garside, Carbon Pulse)
  • Opening remarks by O. Edenhofer (Chair of the European Scientific Advisory Board on Climate Change (ESABCC), Director PIK): Why we should care about the ETS price in 2030 and beyond?
  • Synthesis of key overarching findings by organizers (M. Pahle, PIK, and B. Görlach, Ecologic) 
  • Views by participating modelling-teams: E3M, Enerdata, Kobize, Refinitiv, BNEF, ICIS, PIK
  • Q&A with webinar participants [45 min]

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