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Managing the transition to net zero: EU climate policy in a global context

VUB U-Residence, Generaal Jacqueslaan 271, 1050 Brussels



The transition to climate neutrality has become a central objective for EU policy-making. Targets and policies to achieve it have been advanced and accelerated over the past 4 years. Despite the crises faced since 2020, the EU is making the shift from incremental changes and refinements to the transformative policies needed for a net-zero emissions future – seeking to become more resilient and competitive through a successful transition.

This conference, taking place a month after the European elections, seeks to spotlight key issues in the EU’s transition to climate neutrality – and discuss options to address them, with a global context in mind. The conversations among policy-makers and other stakeholders will be kicked-off by content inputs from two EU-funded research projects, 4i-TRACTION and NDC ASPECTS, that have been working over the past three years to generate new insights on climate action challenges in Europe and globally.

Day 1: EU policy focus – investments, infrastructure, and international integration
Day 2: Global policy focus – hard to abate sectors, action by major emitters, international cooperation

In-person participants are invited to a light lunch before the start of the conference and a reception at the end of the first day, as well as lunch on the second day. Hybrid participation will also be available.


Form of address
Which sector best describes your current affiliation?
On which days would you like to attend the conference?
In a next step you can specify, how you would like to attend (on-site or online) for each selected conference day separately.
How do you like to participate on Day 1 (9th July)?
How do you like to participate on Day 2 (10th July)?

Please indicate if you would like to attend the lunch:

I agree that my data (name and organisation) will be used to create a participants list that may be circulated to speakers and registered participants in advance.

You can find further information in our data protection regulations.


For all questions regarding this event, please contact:


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