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Ready4NetZero multipliers workshop: supporting local governments in reaching climate neutrality



Welcome to the Ready4NetZero multipliers workshop

This workshop is intended for representatives of city networks, municipal and metropolitan associations, NGOs, researchers, think tanks, energy agencies – all multipliers, movers and shakers supporting local governments in climate and sustainability transitions.

In the workshop we will share and discuss the resources developed by, insights and lessons learned from Ready4NetZero, a project that has worked with small and medium sized municipalities in four countries to support their progress towards reaching climate neutrality. Ready4NetZero is supported by the European Climate Initiative (EUKI) of the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate. 

Form of adress
I agree that my data (name and organisation) will be used to create a participants list that may be circulated to speakers and registered participants in advance.

You can find further information in our data protection regulations.
